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Dean Z is one of the few entertainers who boast the looks, the voice and the moves needed to take the entertainment world by storm, yet he never forgets about the music, the legacy, or the man he is paying tribute to...Read More
Dwight Icenhower is a Five Time World Champion Elvis Presley Tribute Artist. Dwight is considered to be one of the best Elvis Tribute Artists in the world today... Read More
Jack Gatto is Australia’s voice of Elvis. The kid who is still in his mid 20s has one of the biggest voices in the world, and you will be shocked when he sings. Members of the Elvis Presley family could not believe his voice when he first sang for them...Read More
Brody Finlay is the 50s Elvis of Australia! Brody is loved around the country, his look & moves are likened to the king, and he puts on a great show which features the best of the 50s & movie songs. Brody is performing in 2 shows across the weekend. Brody was also a finalist in starring in the new Elvis Bio Pic that will be released in 2021 as the young Elvis. Read More
“HOLLYWOOD TO VEGAS” – from the silver screen to the Vegas stage
“ELVIS IN THE STUDIO” – all the greatest hits Elvis recorded from his 57 albums
“THE ROCKER” – Elvis’ most electrifying music from throughout his entire in a fast paced extravaganza like never seen before on-stage!
“HOW GREAT THOU ART The gospel according to Elvis” – the most heart felt gospel show you could ever imagine
“ELVIS THROUGH THE YEARS” – the ultimate show recapping the story from a boy in Tupelo to Madison Square Gardens